Recent Events….
WPOMS Annual Conference 2022: Back face to face with a bang!
Thursday 24th November 2022
WPOMS made their face to face come back at The Village Hotel, Cardiff. With 157 delegates in attendance, the conference room did become a bit of a squeeze especially when Mr Motivator took the stage and got us all up and moving!
A fantastic line up for the day including our own President Dr Tony Funnell giving a brilliant summary of the POM updates this year - feedback has been that just this lecture would count as your CPD for the year! Guest speakers Dr John Whittle and Dr Rhydian Jones gave insightful talks on the work within prehabilitation - an area we all had lots of questions on and how we could implement programmes within our practice.
But a real highlight of the day had to be a special visit from Mr Motivator himself - 90’s legend and TV star who has now turned his ambition to promoting and educating the importance of fitness and prehabilitation prior to major surgery. A cause close to his heart and one that he is obviously extremely passionate about. I think everyones average HR raised about 20 bpm during the talk and we all came out inspired to do more for our patients and ourselves!
We were very fortunate to have Professor Jugdeep Dhesi and Dr Jude Partridge speak about their work with the POPS (Perioperative Medicine for Older Persons Service) and how they set this up/implemented this at Guys & St Thomas’s. With all the brilliant work going on with out own POPs teams in Wales, this was a very relevant and timely talk and we are really grateful for their time!
The afternoon workshops were also jam packed with an expert session on perioperative anaemia chaired by Dr Caroline Evans and Dr Claire Dunstan, shared decision making and a POPs session also proved popular with delegates. But the CPET demonstration really took it up a notch with our own Welsh anaesthetic trainee Dr Hannah Saitch standing in at the last moment and blowing all functional threshold power records to smithereens!
A fantastic day - thanks to the sponsors, organisers, speakers and delegates! We can’t wait to be back next year!
Virtual Conference - Monday 19th April 2021
We had a fantastic day when we teamed up with EBPOM and TopMedTalk to discuss ‘All Things Anaemia’ - who knew there was so much to say!
Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, we were unable to hold this conference face to face as planned but the online platform enable a massive 876 delegates to join us from all corners of the globe including New Zealand, Kenya, Canada and of course good old Wales!
This conference really showed off the fantastic work around anaemia going on in Wales - from the slick IV iron clinics running in Wrexham (Dr Neil Agnew) to the brilliant antenatal input at UHW (Dr Lucy De Lloyd).
Some guest appearances from the authors of the PREVENTT trial published in the Lancet last year was a real highlight (Prof Andy Klein and Prof Toby Richards) and an excellent debate between Toby and Dr James Plumb got us all thinking about out perioperative iron practice.
Engagement from delegates was fantastic with questions being asked via the Slido platform and taking part in the opinion polls. Thank you also to all the brilliant trainee abstract submissions which were of an excellent standard and congratulations to Dr John Kirby for winning the oral presentation prize.
A really fantastic event and we can’t wait for the next one! Thanks again to Dr Caroline Evans, Prof Monty Mythen and the EBPOM team for making the day such a success!
Ellie & Isra
Post fellowship study day - perioperative medicine
Monday 11th november 2019
PFSD - Perioperative Medicine
An excellent day at UHW for Welsh trainees who have passed their Final FRCA. These Post Fellowship Days aim to build upon and explore areas of interest in a bit more detail with talks from experts in the field.
We were very lucky with this course with some fantastic speakers including Dr Cat Williams from UCL speaking about her specialist area of interest - Surgery School and Rehabilitation. It was really interesting to hear how POM was being developed in England and the use of the MDT to prepare patients for surgery and engage them in their surgical pathway. The rest of the day was equally interesting as the world of POM continues to develop and work within Wales is growing and gaining momentum. The programme for the day was as follows:
Surgery School and Prehab, Dr Cat Williams (UCL)
Alcohol Cessation, Lauren Idowu (Principal Health Promotion Specialist)
Updates in peri-operative medicine, Dr Tony Funnel
Peri-operative anaemia, Dr Caroline Evans
Interesting CPET cases, Dr Richard Davies
PQIP project, Dr Sara Churchill
Of particular interest were the new tools available for alcohol screening - it was discussed how we, as trainees, can have these discussions with patients either in pre-assessment clinic or during their admission and screen using the Audit C tool.
Audit C Tool - Alcohol Screening
It was also great to hear a bit more about PQIP and how we can get involved with this across Wales. For more information on how to take this forward in your own hospital, please email
As always thank you to the PFSD team and special mention to Paul Carter, Charlotte Oliver and Nadine Jones who worked so hard put on such an interesting POM day for free!
WPOMS Conference
Life Sciences Hub, Cardiff
7th June 2019
After the success of the first WPOMs conference in 2018, the second WPOMS conference took place on the 7th June 2019 in the Cardiff Life Sciences Hub. The event was sold out 6 weeks in advance and we were pleased to welcome a wide range of multi-disciplinary healthcare professionals. The 110 delegates comprised a mixture of consultants, trainees, SAS doctors, specialty nurses and medical students from a range of specialties, including anaesthetics, surgery, intensive care and medicine. We were excited to invite doctors from over ten hospitals within Wales as well as five hospitals in England to join us raise the profile of perioperative medicine in Wales and share experiences and ideas.
It was a multi-professional event, which had been awarded 5 CPD points and given a £500 bursary by the Royal College of Anaesthetists. The conference was organised by Dr Isra Hassan and Dr Huw Evans. Faculty members included Kelly Ronan, Dr Ellie Powell, Dr Luke Edwards, Dr Rachel Scale, Dr James Lloyd, Dr Tanya Smith and Dr Aya Abbas.
Lectures included:
· Pathways in emergency care: contrasting and comparing healthcare systems
· Improving outcomes following oesophago-gastric surgery: a case study on perioperative standardization. Mr Ravi Vohra, Oesophago-gastric cancer and Emergency Surgeon, Nottingham University Hospital
· Providing a Cardiff Union (PACU, POAC or HDU) Dr Anton Saayman, Consultant in Intensive Care and Medicine, University Hospital of Wales (UHW)
· PACU recommendations for Wales. Dr Abrie Theron, Consultant in Anaesthesia, UHW
· Advance care planning, shared decision making and consent for surgery, Dr David Walker, Consultant Anaesthetist and Intensive Care, University College of London Hospital
· Prehabilitation and optimisation in Wales update Ms Trish Duncan, Consultant in Hepatobiliary Surgery, UHW
· Peri-procedural management of anticoagulation Dr Heledd Roberts, Consultant in Haematology, UHW
· CPR & The strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde Dr Mark Taubert, Consultant in Palliative Care, Velindre NHS Trust.
Four trainee oral presentations were shortlisted and the 1st prize was awarded to Dr Catherine Griffiths for ‘implementation of a perioperative pathway the identification and management of excessive alcohol intake.
Four trainee poster presentations were presented. Dr Alex Bevan was awarded 1st prize for ‘an audit of the perioperative management of diabetes in major surgery at Gloucester Royal Hospital (GRH) using Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme (PQIP) data
Delegates also attended a workshop (90 minutes) out of a choice of workshops.
1) Introduction into CPET. With a live demonstration of CPET followed with an interpretation of CPET results. Delivered by Dr Sean Tobin (Consultant Anaesthetist, Bridgend Hospital) and Dr Mike Adamson (Anaesthetic SpR UHW)
2) Intermediate/Advanced CPET. Aimed at those with Previous experience in CPET. Real examples discussed, followed with Q&A session of common problems with interpreting results and what to do with the results. Dr Richard Davies (Consultant Anaesthetist, UHW)
3) Quality Improvement for perioperative medicine. Interactive workshop on the core principles and methodologies that underpin QI for perioperative medicine. Dr Gethin Pugh (Consultant Anaesthetist and Intensivist, Swansea)
4) An interactive workshop to explore the risk and peri-operative complications from alcohol, and the role of evidence based structured conversations (alcohol brief intervention, ABI) to reduce alcohol consumption amongst your patients. Public Heath Wales and Dr Catherine Griffiths (Anaesthetic SpR UHW) 45 mins
5) A broad update on recent Perioperative evidence, focusing on headline outcomes and including a summary of new consensus guidelines that may shape our practice. Dr Anthony Funnell (Consultant Anaesthetist, Bridgend Hospital) 45 mins
We would like to say thank you to those who attended and helped to deliver a fantastic day. We are already looking at dates for the next WPOM conference in 2020.
Other Opportunities to Get Involved…
perioperative medicine in action
Free, Online Perioperative Medicine Course – endorsed by the RCOA
Available at –
Developed by anaesthetists at University College London (UCL) Hospitals, you’ll learn the key concepts you need to improve patient safety and reduce healthcare costs.
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PEriop man
Friday 4th October – Manchester Conference Centre, Sackville St, Manchester, UK
Call for Abstracts –
PeriopMan’s flagship annual event with an exciting line-up of speakers and a choice of breakout sessions. Abstract submissions now open.
Frailty – A great introduction to frailty and how to manage these patients perioperative pathways.
15th October, 2019
Get in touch for more information. Opportunity for Wales Trainees only.